Staying Healthy On A Busy Schedule

Everyone has encountered the struggle of trying to stay healthy while balancing a busy schedule. When your schedule is hectic with work, school, appointments, your children or a combination of them all, healthy eating is often at the bottom of your to-do list. Luckily, there are ways to stay healthy with a busy schedule. Here’s how:

Juicing for Weight Loss

Juicing is a quick, easy and convenient way to stay healthy on the go. Juicing is the extraction of juice from fruits and vegetables. This can be done by hand or with an electrical juicer. Juicing allows you to receive your daily nutrients without having to carry that bulky lunch bag. All you need is your favorite fruits, vegetables, your juicer, and a drinking bottle. Juicing for weight loss is also convenient because you can juice your fruits and vegetables at night and grab them to go in the morning.

Meal Prepping

Meal prepping has become one of the most common methods of planning and preparing meals. In order to meal prep, you will need a few healthy food choices, measuring cups and your favorite Tupperware. You can choose one day of the week to prep meals for the entire week and place them inside plastic containers for easy access. Each container can be labeled with meal-type and day of the week to help you stay organized. Meal prepping will save you tons of time during the week if juicing is not your thing.

Dinner in a Hurry

With a busy schedule, cooking dinner can be dreadful. Most people with a busy schedule prefer to order take-out or stop by their favorite fast food restaurant on their way home. This is convenient but may cause weight gain, lower energy and not to mention an unfavorable budget increase. To avoid this, you may research a few quick dinner recipes to shorten the process. A few dinner recipes to consider are; “healthy taco salad with ground turkey”, “10-minute pita bread pizza” or even a “vegan loaded mashed potato bowl”. These quick dinner recipes are all completed in under 30 minutes. These quick dinner recipes are also healthy alternatives to some of the best dishes.

Keeping Track of Your Activity

Although eating habits are a large portion of staying healthy, so is physical activity. It is important to remain active throughout the day to help you burn those god forbidden calories. With a hectic schedule, finding time for a gym workout can be absolutely impossible. Stay active by walking around your home, walking around the office or maybe even taking your bike to work. Technology has advanced so much that you can track your steps with your phone or a smartwatch. Keeping track of your activity will motivate you to work harder each day.

Staying healthy with a busy schedule may seem impossible in the beginning, but with discipline and dedication, anything is possible. Try juicing, meal prepping, quick dinner recipes and keeping track of your activity to begin your healthy journey. No excuses!